Katie Button, Felix Meana & Cúrate are 5J Ambassadors

Chef Katie Button, Felix Meana and Cúrate are Cinco Jotas Ambassadors

Bringing the Finest Ibèrico Pork Products to Asheville

Introducing guests to true jamón ibérico is like taking them on a mini-trip to Spain! Cúrate, along with Chef Katie Button and Felix Meana, believe that jamón ibérico is one of the most important items in Spanish cuisine. There is an entire section of Cúrate dedicated to it known as the jamoneria, proudly offering the absolute best example of this product to our guests on a daily basis.

Katie and Felix in the jamoneria

All of our fresh and cured Ibèrico pork products come from world-renowned Cinco Jotas – or as Chef Katie describes, “the Rolls Royce of jamón producers in Spain.” The jamón ibérico de bellota produced by Cinco Jotas uses only 100% pure bred Ibérico pigs, a breed that has roamed the dehesas (meadows scattered with oak and cork trees) around Jabugo, Spain for thousands of years. The free range pigs eat their fill of acorns, giving the cured jamón a richly-marbled, tender, nutty fat that has unparalleled flavor.

Cúrate Executive Sous Chef, Matthew Caudle, recently took a trip to Spain to study the jamón ibérico process with Cinco Jotas – from farm, to cure, to table. Cinco Jotas led Matt on tour of the facilities and the dehesas surrounding Jabugo to meet the famous pigs. He also completed a stage at one of the Cinco Jotas restaurants in Madrid.

Cúrate, along with Chef Katie Button and Felix Meana are proud ambassadors for Cinco Jotas in the US and look forward to introducing guests to the unforgettable flavor of both fresh and cured jamón ibérico!