Alyssa Eckert and Alex Quinn are Cúrate’s employees of the month

Alyssa Eckert, a new addition to the Cúrate team, is being recognized for her hard work as a host.
“Alyssa Eckert is our front-of-house employee of the month. She was hired a little less than two months ago, and in that short amount of time has already proven to be a very valuable asset to our team. Her experience and knowledge as a host was evident from day one, and she has already provided us with great ideas to help with that demanding position. Pretty impressive to be recognized in her first full month here at Cúrate!” -Mark Baker, assistant manager
As a token of recogntion, Alyssa chose a gift card to Malaprop’s.

Alex Quinn brings a great attitude to the Cúrate kitchen every shift he’s working.
“Alex Quinn started with us in August of last year and in six month’s time has established himself as one of our go-to cooks. His enthusiasm and excitement for whatever he is doing at any given moment is both impressive and infectious. I can always be assured that if Alex is working, if nothing else, we are going to have a fun shift.” – Frank Muller, director of culinary operations
Alex’s gift card of choice was for Chai Pani.