Our Aspen Classic Adventure

Aspen Food & Wine Classic


Katie was selected as one of Food & Wine Magazine's Best New Chefs of 2015

Katie was selected as one of Food & Wine Magazine’s Best New Chefs of 2015

In June, Heirloom Hospitality Group owners chef Katie Button, Félix Meana, Elizabeth Liddell Button and Ted Button attended the Aspen Food & Wine Classic, along with Cúrate and Nightbell chefs de cuisine Frank Muller and Chad Holmes and Nightbell pastry chef Carmen Vaquera. The annual event features presentations from world-renowned chefs and sommeliers, Food Network hosts, restaurant executives and more. They mingle with guests for four days in a breathtaking mountain setting.

Carmen, Liz, Katie, Chad, Felix, Ted, and Frank represent HHG at the Aspen Classic

Carmen, Liz, Katie, Chad, Felix, Ted, and Frank represent HHG at the Aspen Classic

Chefs Chad, Frank and Carmen

Chefs Chad, Frank and Carmen

It was quite the trip from Asheville to Aspen, with flight delays for everyone and last-minute itinerary changes. The team crossed time zones and arrived at the Gant Hotel, the site of the Wines from Spain party on Thursday night.

Rooftop at the Gant Hotel

Rooftop at the Gant Hotel



Chef Katie’s menu:
Esqueixada de Montaña – an Asheville version of this classic catalan dish, Sunburst Farms trout served raw with tomato, black olive, sweet onion, Sunburst trout roe, and lemon vinaigrette.
Costillas de Cerdo Iberico de Bellota en Salmorejo – acorn fed Iberico pork ribs by Fermin, sous vide for 24 hours and grilled with a sauce of pimenton, garlic, oregano, cumin, and honey.
Gin & Tonic Oysters – a tribute to José Andrés, Rappahannock River oysters, Hendrick’s gin, tonic water, and preserved lemon.
Esparragos Blancos con Mayonesa – white asparagus from Navarra (via España Brand Foods), lemon vinaigrette, tarragon, and a “light as air” mayonnaise.


Chad grilling for the Wines From Spain party

Chad grilling for the Wines From Spain party

We are grateful to all our food providers listed, as well as Philosophy Foods for the arbequina O-Med Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Losada Cornicabra olives.

Katie and Chad at work in the kitchen

Katie and Chad at work in the kitchen

After cooking and presenting wines at the party, our team headed to an after-party hosted by David Chang.

Deann and Rick Bayless with Katie

Deann and Rick Bayless with Katie

Katie with restauranteur Danny Meyer at the Wines From Spain event

Katie with restauranteur Danny Meyer at the Wines From Spain event

The next morning Channel 82, a local Aspen television station, interviewed Katie with Dana Cowin, editor-in-chief of Food & Wine.


TV interview with Food& Wine editor Dana Cowin and Katie

TV interview with Food & Wine editor Dana Cowin and Katie

Friday afternoon was the beginning of the Grand Tasting Pavilion. Katie was at the Best New Chefs portion, serving ensalada de mariscos to over 500 people.


Felix, Dana Cowin and Katie before the Grand Tasting

Felix, Dana Cowin and Katie before the Grand Tasting

Katie and her team prep for the Grand Tasting

Katie and her team prep for the Grand Tasting

Justin Chapple's instagram photo of Katie's signature dish

Justin Chapple’s instagram photo of Katie’s esquiexada at the Wines From Spain event

Katie shares her dish with chef Johnny Iuzzini

Katie shares her dish with chef Johnny Iuzzini

Felix and Katie laugh with fellow Best New Chef Paul Qui

Felix and Katie laugh with fellow Best New Chef Paul Qui

Saturday night was chef Jacques Pépin’s 80th birthday party. After a gondola ride up the mountain, they enjoyed an incredible night.

Frank and Katie ride the gondola

Frank and Katie ride the gondola

ACFelix Pepin

Katie adds her birthday greeting

Katie adds her birthday greeting

Felix and Katie

Over the weekend Katie attended a presentation by All-Clad with information about their refurbished cookware.

The weekend at Aspen went by quickly, but our team will remember it forever.