The Carmen and Lola blog, powered by Idea Gourmet Foods, highlights quality Spanish food, wine and restaurants. Their May 26 article includes an infographic map of the “coolest” Spanish restaurants around the USA, those that do not aim toward an old-world feel, but fuse the current vibrant culture and traditional foods of Spain.
“This new century has definitely brought times of glory to Spanish food, and a group of vibrant, energetic people here in the U.S. came up with a different way of doing things.”
“**CÚRATE, Asheville (2011)– Chef Katie Button was trained in El Bulli on Spain’s Costa Brava and at José Andrés’ restaurants in Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. We love her because she is a courageous woman in an industry still dominated by men, working magic in a narrow dining room carved out of a former bus terminal from the 20’s. It’s the kind of magic that renews you with the curative effects of good food and wine (Cúrate means “cure yourself”).”
Also listed are ATAULA, in Portland, BCN, in Houston, CASA RUBIA at Trinity Groves, in Dallas, KLIMA, NIU, both in Miami, SALINAS, in New York, SMOKE, OIL & SALT, in Los Angeles, TORO, in Boston, and VERA, in Chicago.
Read the list and why each restaurant is worth a visit here. Looks like an amazing foodie road trip waiting to happen!