Katie Button interviewed in Richmond Magazine

Chef Katie Button

Richmond Magazine published a Q & A with Chef Katie Button yesterday. Katie is heading to Virginia next week to cook with Chef Brittany Anderson at her restaurant, Metzger Bar & Butchery, for a collaboration dinner called “Sure Cure.” This is part of Fire, Flour & Fork, a food festival and “educational summit.” Their sold-out meal is highly anticipated, and Richmond Magazine interviewed Katie in preparation for the event.

This will be Katie’s first trip to Richmond for and Fire, Flour & Fork’s second iteration.

In the interview, Katie says she is always looking to learn new culinary skills and team up with others.

“I am always thinking about ways I can learn about other chefs. I want [to] learn from a butcher — my staging is becoming more collaborative. These festivals are a way of staging a little bit; I get to see other kitchens, Metzger, for example. I get to see how [Anderson] runs her kitchen, how it is organized, dishes and techniques. I always learn something.”

Read the full interview here.